BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
34 mins
38 mins
36 mins
The debate continues over vaping. What is Malaysia’s stand on this issue and what does the respiratory medicine fraternity think about it? Two experts share their views - they are Dato' Dr Abdul Razak Muttalif, Chest Physician at the Institute of Respiratory Medicine, Ministry of Health and Advisor and Chairman of the E-Cigarette and Shisha Technical Committee, Ministry of Health; and Dr Helmy Haji Mydin, Respiratory Consultant, Malaysian Thoracic Society Council Rep for Tobacco Control.
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Vaping Regulation Policy
The debate continues over vaping. What is Malaysia’s stand on this issue and what does the respiratory medicine fraternity think about it? Two experts share their views - they are Dato' Dr Abdul Razak Muttalif, Chest Physician at the Institute of Respiratory Medicine, Ministry of Health and Advisor and Chairman of the E-Cigarette and Shisha Technical Committee, Ministry of Health; and Dr Helmy Haji Mydin, Respiratory Consultant, Malaysian Thoracic Society Council Rep for Tobacco Control.
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