BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
39 mins
41 mins
11 mins
Last month the United Nations’s released a report which shows that Malaysia together with nine other countries accounted for over 95% of all new HIV infections in the Asia-Pacific region. Produced by the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS, the report is entitled “Ending AIDS: Progress Towards the 90-90 Targets”. The report shows that HIV infection via sexual transmission outpaced transmissions from intravenous drug use which used to be the main source of transmissions. Today, we explore if criminalisation of drug use and the demonisation of homosexuality are impediments to combating the disease.
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Last month the United Nations’s released a report which shows that Malaysia together with nine other countries accounted for over 95% of all new HIV infections in the Asia-Pacific region. Produced by the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS, the report is entitled “Ending AIDS: Progress Towards the 90-90 Targets”. The report shows that HIV infection via sexual transmission outpaced transmissions from intravenous drug use which used to be the main source of transmissions. Today, we explore if criminalisation of drug use and the demonisation of homosexuality are impediments to combating the disease.
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