BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
Budget 2024: What It Has In Store For Malaysia’s Arts and Festival Sectors.
38 mins
43 mins
20 mins
Guest: Rizal Kamal, President, Arts, Live Festival and Events Association (ALIFE)
On this episode of Enterprise Biz Bytes, we’ll be looking into what the budget has in store for Malaysia’s arts and festivals sector with the help of Rizal Kamal, President of Arts, Live Festival and Events Association (ALIFE).
We will be looking into: The RM160 million funding received to grow the live performance industry; Reduction in entertainment duties for international and local acts; And the RM50 million allocated to agencies with the potential to showcase the nation's artistic and literary works, enhance heritage theatre performances, and promote the interest in reading great works among the youth.
Presenter: Richard Bradbury, Roshan Kanesan
Producer: Kishan Sivaswamy
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Budget 2024: What It Has In Store For Malaysia’s Arts and Festival Sectors.
Guest: Rizal Kamal, President, Arts, Live Festival and Events Association (ALIFE)
On this episode of Enterprise Biz Bytes, we’ll be looking into what the budget has in store for Malaysia’s arts and festivals sector with the help of Rizal Kamal, President of Arts, Live Festival and Events Association (ALIFE).
We will be looking into: The RM160 million funding received to grow the live performance industry; Reduction in entertainment duties for international and local acts; And the RM50 million allocated to agencies with the potential to showcase the nation's artistic and literary works, enhance heritage theatre performances, and promote the interest in reading great works among the youth.
Presenter: Richard Bradbury, Roshan Kanesan
Producer: Kishan Sivaswamy
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