BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
22 mins
32 mins
Post-Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, political commentators everywhere are left wondering why forces of the far-right are so effective at speaking to the discontent of people who are disillusioned with the status quo. Have socialist principles failed to address the limitations of neoliberal globalization? Pierre Rousset, a member of France’s New Anticapitalist Party, and Choo Chon Kai, deputy secretary-general of Parti Socialis Malaysia, give their take. Chon Kai is organizer of a conference on socialism taking place from 25-27 November, themed “Exit Capitalism: Build the Left.” Pierre is among the invited guests who will be speaking at the event.
For more information, visit the event’s Facebook page.
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Socialism - Antidote to Trump and Brexit?
Post-Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, political commentators everywhere are left wondering why forces of the far-right are so effective at speaking to the discontent of people who are disillusioned with the status quo. Have socialist principles failed to address the limitations of neoliberal globalization? Pierre Rousset, a member of France’s New Anticapitalist Party, and Choo Chon Kai, deputy secretary-general of Parti Socialis Malaysia, give their take. Chon Kai is organizer of a conference on socialism taking place from 25-27 November, themed “Exit Capitalism: Build the Left.” Pierre is among the invited guests who will be speaking at the event.
For more information, visit the event’s Facebook page.
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