

TPPA Yea or Nay : An Update

10 mins
08:35, 4 Oct 2016

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement has been signed by all 12 member nations. Each country now has until February 2018 to get it passed at their respective legislative assemblies. At this point, Malaysia is the only one that has done so at the Dewan Rakyat.

We find out where the TPP is, and how uncertainty caused by the US Presidential Election this November might (or might not) affect its progress.

This is a report by Keith Kam and Wan Irdina.

Go to TPPA Yea or Nay for an earlier update on the TPP.




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TPPA Yea or Nay : An Update

10 mins
08:35, 4 Oct 2016
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The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement has been signed by all 12 member nations. Each country now has until February 2018 to get it passed at their respective legislative assemblies. At this point, Malaysia is the only one that has done so at the Dewan Rakyat.

We find out where the TPP is, and how uncertainty caused by the US Presidential Election this November might (or might not) affect its progress.

This is a report by Keith Kam and Wan Irdina.

Go to TPPA Yea or Nay for an earlier update on the TPP.




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