BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
Building Affordable Homes Sustainably
In 2014, the United Nations estimated that 55% of the world's urban population lived in the Asia-Pacific region. Today, more than 50% of the Asian-Pacific population has become urbanized, with over 1.2 billion people living in urban centers. However, the urban poor has still been largely marginalized. Tim Tan, CEO and Founder of AffordAble Abodes, aims to build more affordable and environmentally-sound, low-cost housing for the less fortunate around the world.
Image Credit: Salt&Light |
Presenter: Freda Liu
Producer: Freda Liu
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Building Affordable Homes Sustainably
In 2014, the United Nations estimated that 55% of the world's urban population lived in the Asia-Pacific region. Today, more than 50% of the Asian-Pacific population has become urbanized, with over 1.2 billion people living in urban centers. However, the urban poor has still been largely marginalized. Tim Tan, CEO and Founder of AffordAble Abodes, aims to build more affordable and environmentally-sound, low-cost housing for the less fortunate around the world.
Image Credit: Salt&Light |
Presenter: Freda Liu
Producer: Freda Liu
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