BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
45 mins
43 mins
Cashless payments have seen a steady rise in both consumer adoption and also with merchants, especially since the government initiated the e-Tunai campaign from earlier this year in January. Cashless payments are becoming the new norm, and competition within the cashless payment ecosystem itself is seeing a rise. One of them is TNG Digital's eWallet. Their Chief Executive Officer, Ignatius Ong, joined us on the show today.
Presenter: Richard Bradbury and Arvindh Yuvaraj
Producer: Jeff Sandhu
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Voice of SMEs - TNG Digital
Cashless payments have seen a steady rise in both consumer adoption and also with merchants, especially since the government initiated the e-Tunai campaign from earlier this year in January. Cashless payments are becoming the new norm, and competition within the cashless payment ecosystem itself is seeing a rise. One of them is TNG Digital's eWallet. Their Chief Executive Officer, Ignatius Ong, joined us on the show today.
Presenter: Richard Bradbury and Arvindh Yuvaraj
Producer: Jeff Sandhu
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