BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
28 mins
1 hr 24 mins
40 mins
Change is upon us. As the “uberisation of the workforce” concept becomes a reality, there will soon be a significant shift in the way employment and the workforce present itself. How do you, as an employer, prepare for this change? And what should you as an employee equip yourself with to ride this wave?
Producer: Audrey Raj
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Are You Ready For The Workforce Of The Future?
Change is upon us. As the “uberisation of the workforce” concept becomes a reality, there will soon be a significant shift in the way employment and the workforce present itself. How do you, as an employer, prepare for this change? And what should you as an employee equip yourself with to ride this wave?
Producer: Audrey Raj
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