BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
25 mins
38 mins
35 mins
Guest: Joe Kamil Ahmad, CEO & Founder , BetterPay
Online transactions have never been more important, especially as we move into a more contactless, wireless world in the wake of COVID-19. Joe Kamil Ahmad, CEO & founder of BetterPay, discusses how they help merchants and businesses streamline online transactions.
Image Credit : Facebook / BetterPay
Presenter: Christine Wong
Producer: Christine Wong
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Find a way to BetterPay!
Guest: Joe Kamil Ahmad, CEO & Founder , BetterPay
Online transactions have never been more important, especially as we move into a more contactless, wireless world in the wake of COVID-19. Joe Kamil Ahmad, CEO & founder of BetterPay, discusses how they help merchants and businesses streamline online transactions.
Image Credit : Facebook / BetterPay
Presenter: Christine Wong
Producer: Christine Wong
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