BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
26 mins
23 mins
26 mins
We often take our voice for granted, until we start noticing changes to its quality or pitch. Sunway Medical Centre’s Speech-Language and Swallowing Therapist, Nurul Hidayah Dean Kamarudin, and Specialist Speech-Language Therapist, Cecilia Santiago, describe some of the common voice and speaking issues, and the therapy and management available to address them.
Presenter: Umapagan Ampikaipakan
Producer: Tina Carmillia and Law Yao Hua
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Voice and Speaking Issues
We often take our voice for granted, until we start noticing changes to its quality or pitch. Sunway Medical Centre’s Speech-Language and Swallowing Therapist, Nurul Hidayah Dean Kamarudin, and Specialist Speech-Language Therapist, Cecilia Santiago, describe some of the common voice and speaking issues, and the therapy and management available to address them.
Presenter: Umapagan Ampikaipakan
Producer: Tina Carmillia and Law Yao Hua
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