BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
47 mins
1 hr 27 mins
44 mins
With a population of more than 650,000, there are currently twice as much people living in Petaling Jaya than in Iceland. In response to its population boom, which is expected to exceed 2.5 million by 2035, PJ is the first council to embark on a pilot Transit Oriented Development initiative. Bukit Gasing State Assemblyman Rajiv Rishyakaran, who has been a long time proponent of Transit Oriented Development, or TOD, is here to explain this initiative and its challenges.
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After LRT Line Extension, What Next?
With a population of more than 650,000, there are currently twice as much people living in Petaling Jaya than in Iceland. In response to its population boom, which is expected to exceed 2.5 million by 2035, PJ is the first council to embark on a pilot Transit Oriented Development initiative. Bukit Gasing State Assemblyman Rajiv Rishyakaran, who has been a long time proponent of Transit Oriented Development, or TOD, is here to explain this initiative and its challenges.
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