BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
A discussion has emerged from X, about salary discrepancies and how it affects the way we hang out with friends or our friendships in general. So where do you stand when it comes to accommodating your friends? Do you offer to pay for their meal, or spend time in less inexpensive ways? We get into it.
Presenter: Lee Chwi Lynn, Sharaad Kuttan
Producer: Evening Edition
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Trending Today: Can You Afford Your Friends?
A discussion has emerged from X, about salary discrepancies and how it affects the way we hang out with friends or our friendships in general. So where do you stand when it comes to accommodating your friends? Do you offer to pay for their meal, or spend time in less inexpensive ways? We get into it.
Presenter: Lee Chwi Lynn, Sharaad Kuttan
Producer: Evening Edition
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