BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
45 mins
45 mins
With our eyes set on unearthing the freshest flavors from unexpected places, we widen our scope with hand-picked musical gems from all across Asia.
Gas Lab, Kazumi Kaneda - Swell
BAP. - Small Love
Yukihiro Takahashi - Saravah
Yellow Magic Orchestra - Firecracker
Wobbebong - Kereta Terbang
Lil Asian Thiccie - LATE NITE SNACK
White Chorus - 404 Not Found - VIP Mix
Cayenne - Centrefold
Soft Soft Pillow - Have Fun
Ramayan - Moronic
Masdo - Inilah JalanNya
The Panturas - All I Want
Rub of Rub - Bersarang
Presenter: Othniel Ting
Producer: Othniel Ting
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Wavelength Ep318
With our eyes set on unearthing the freshest flavors from unexpected places, we widen our scope with hand-picked musical gems from all across Asia.
Gas Lab, Kazumi Kaneda - Swell
BAP. - Small Love
Yukihiro Takahashi - Saravah
Yellow Magic Orchestra - Firecracker
Wobbebong - Kereta Terbang
Lil Asian Thiccie - LATE NITE SNACK
White Chorus - 404 Not Found - VIP Mix
Cayenne - Centrefold
Soft Soft Pillow - Have Fun
Ramayan - Moronic
Masdo - Inilah JalanNya
The Panturas - All I Want
Rub of Rub - Bersarang
Presenter: Othniel Ting
Producer: Othniel Ting
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