BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
10 mins
26 mins
18 mins
No bread in the morning - boiled aggs and brown rice prefered? Jogging keeps fat in your body and not out? Liam Harkness, lifestyle coach and sports therapist, give us the breakdown on a variety of dieting and weight losing myths - helping us with his own non-conventional methods that might just challenge your health regime and change your perception about health and fitness.
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Weight Loss Myths and Tricks
No bread in the morning - boiled aggs and brown rice prefered? Jogging keeps fat in your body and not out? Liam Harkness, lifestyle coach and sports therapist, give us the breakdown on a variety of dieting and weight losing myths - helping us with his own non-conventional methods that might just challenge your health regime and change your perception about health and fitness.
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