This week sees the return of Jo Kukathas as an honoured guest on A Bit Of Culture as she, Kam Raslan and Eddin Khoo take on three more substantial topics about the world of pop culture. Kam dives into a discussion on the works of acclaimed novelist Joseph Conrad and his portrayal of Malay characters in the 19th century. Jo chimes in with the crucial question of “What’s the point of satire anymore?”. Finally, Eddin walks us through the phenomenon of the dilettante and how being one in this day and age might not be so bad.
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A Dilettante Learns To Write Satire
This week sees the return of Jo Kukathas as an honoured guest on A Bit Of Culture as she, Kam Raslan and Eddin Khoo take on three more substantial topics about the world of pop culture. Kam dives into a discussion on the works of acclaimed novelist Joseph Conrad and his portrayal of Malay characters in the 19th century. Jo chimes in with the crucial question of “What’s the point of satire anymore?”. Finally, Eddin walks us through the phenomenon of the dilettante and how being one in this day and age might not be so bad.
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