BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
Eyes Everywhere - The Business of Surveillance
37 mins
34 mins
27 mins
A global paranoia over security threats have settled into the norm of everyday life for most people in cities and on the internet. iCetana, is a company that specialises in the business of surveillance, which has a market that includes perhaps unsurprisingly the retail sector. We ask CEO Chris Farquhar about security trends and whether the world has indeed become a more dangerous place to live in.
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Eyes Everywhere - The Business of Surveillance
A global paranoia over security threats have settled into the norm of everyday life for most people in cities and on the internet. iCetana, is a company that specialises in the business of surveillance, which has a market that includes perhaps unsurprisingly the retail sector. We ask CEO Chris Farquhar about security trends and whether the world has indeed become a more dangerous place to live in.
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