BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
Taxi Blues Persist Even With Level-Playing Rules
15 mins
47 mins
45 mins
Since the introduction of e-hailing services, taxis have been struggling to stay relevant amidst a changing landscape. We speak to Dato' Shamsubharin Ismail. CEO and founder of Big Blue Taxi on his thoughts of e-hailing services and how he plans to take on the challenges 2019 poses.
Presenter: Julian Ng
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Taxi Blues Persist Even With Level-Playing Rules
Since the introduction of e-hailing services, taxis have been struggling to stay relevant amidst a changing landscape. We speak to Dato' Shamsubharin Ismail. CEO and founder of Big Blue Taxi on his thoughts of e-hailing services and how he plans to take on the challenges 2019 poses.
Presenter: Julian Ng
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