BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
49 mins
24 mins
30 mins
The episode where Uma - and special guests Iain McNally and Bahir Yeusuff - ask three important questions about Blade Runner 2049: Did we need a sequel? Does it surpass the original? Will it stand the test of time?
*WARNING: This podcast contains spoilers after the review ends at the 18 minute mark. Listen to that only after you've seen the movie. Thank you. You have been warned.
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Blade Runner 2049 (At the Movies #228)
The episode where Uma - and special guests Iain McNally and Bahir Yeusuff - ask three important questions about Blade Runner 2049: Did we need a sequel? Does it surpass the original? Will it stand the test of time?
*WARNING: This podcast contains spoilers after the review ends at the 18 minute mark. Listen to that only after you've seen the movie. Thank you. You have been warned.
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