BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
The artist talks about his work in a Singapore exhibition titled, ‘After Utopia’. His specific visual work is called ‘Block B’ (a film, a documentary, but not your everyday film/documentary), with all the connotation and preconceived notions the title suggests. Chris Chong describes the process and points to the overt and covert impulses that drive his art and the role of the artist in a mercantile culture. That is, if that culture gives the artist the space he/she needs.
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After Utopia in Block B Brickfields
The artist talks about his work in a Singapore exhibition titled, ‘After Utopia’. His specific visual work is called ‘Block B’ (a film, a documentary, but not your everyday film/documentary), with all the connotation and preconceived notions the title suggests. Chris Chong describes the process and points to the overt and covert impulses that drive his art and the role of the artist in a mercantile culture. That is, if that culture gives the artist the space he/she needs.
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