BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
38 mins
43 mins
20 mins
Guest: Joe Quinlan, Chief Market Strategist, US Trust-BOA Private Wealth Management
With a recession looming in Europe, US and China, is it possible that the world economy will face a recession worse than the Great Recession of 2008? Joe Quinlan, Chief Market Strategist at US Trust-BOA Private Wealth Management tells us.
Presenter: Shazana Mokhtar, Wong Shou Ning, Philip See
Producer: Michael Gong
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It Might Get Tougher Than The GFC
Guest: Joe Quinlan, Chief Market Strategist, US Trust-BOA Private Wealth Management
With a recession looming in Europe, US and China, is it possible that the world economy will face a recession worse than the Great Recession of 2008? Joe Quinlan, Chief Market Strategist at US Trust-BOA Private Wealth Management tells us.
Presenter: Shazana Mokhtar, Wong Shou Ning, Philip See
Producer: Michael Gong
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