BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
Have you ever thought what does FatBerry actually mean? F stands for Fast, A stands of Accessible and T stands for Transparent, and while Berry just sounds nice. And if you were to visit their website, you’d be surprise to know they will get insured in just 2 minutes. How is this possible? The use of chatbot enables simplification and efficiency but achieving the sweet spot can be tricky. We learn from Martin Khu on the inside secrets of developing their business model.
Producer: Jeff Sandhu
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Chatbotting To Success
Have you ever thought what does FatBerry actually mean? F stands for Fast, A stands of Accessible and T stands for Transparent, and while Berry just sounds nice. And if you were to visit their website, you’d be surprise to know they will get insured in just 2 minutes. How is this possible? The use of chatbot enables simplification and efficiency but achieving the sweet spot can be tricky. We learn from Martin Khu on the inside secrets of developing their business model.
Producer: Jeff Sandhu
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