BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
48 mins
35 mins
30 mins
The modern world has many ridiculous riddles, such as when to squeeze and when to juice, or when is a bus not a bus. It seems that the tech industry has an amazing ability to reinvent things that were perfectly fine to begin with and therein lies the problem - Has the tech world run out of things to invent? Have we misinterpreted convenience with invention to the extent where what we claim to be “world’s first” transitions into becoming global effluents? Here is Kulturpop’s Matt Armitage's take on innovative solutions and the reinvention of the wheel.
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Get On The Bus
The modern world has many ridiculous riddles, such as when to squeeze and when to juice, or when is a bus not a bus. It seems that the tech industry has an amazing ability to reinvent things that were perfectly fine to begin with and therein lies the problem - Has the tech world run out of things to invent? Have we misinterpreted convenience with invention to the extent where what we claim to be “world’s first” transitions into becoming global effluents? Here is Kulturpop’s Matt Armitage's take on innovative solutions and the reinvention of the wheel.
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