BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
26 mins
23 mins
26 mins
Nowadays there seems to be an app for just about anything from simple card games to real estate to food delivery, and it can be difficult to not only create an app but also to find a yet untapped area for apps as well. June Low, founder and managing director of EasyLaw - an app attempting to revolutionise legal calculations - speaks to us about tapping into the realm of legal technology.
Producer: Christine Wong
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Legal Calculations With EasyLaw
Nowadays there seems to be an app for just about anything from simple card games to real estate to food delivery, and it can be difficult to not only create an app but also to find a yet untapped area for apps as well. June Low, founder and managing director of EasyLaw - an app attempting to revolutionise legal calculations - speaks to us about tapping into the realm of legal technology.
Producer: Christine Wong
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