BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
41 mins
35 mins
12 mins
Guest: Rashmi Menon, Country Managing Director, Leaderonomics Malaysia
What is ESG? How does it differ from and tie into the SDGs and CSRs? And how does a strong ESG proposition in a company contribute to value creation in an organisation? Rashmi Menon, country managing director of Leaderonomics Malaysia, explains the powerful role ESG can play in your business.
Image Credit: Shutterstock | HTWE
Presenter: Christine Wong
Producer: Christine Wong
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ESG & Your Business
Guest: Rashmi Menon, Country Managing Director, Leaderonomics Malaysia
What is ESG? How does it differ from and tie into the SDGs and CSRs? And how does a strong ESG proposition in a company contribute to value creation in an organisation? Rashmi Menon, country managing director of Leaderonomics Malaysia, explains the powerful role ESG can play in your business.
Image Credit: Shutterstock | HTWE
Presenter: Christine Wong
Producer: Christine Wong
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