BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
48 mins
29 mins
Guest: Emil Jihad, Co-creator, Fresh Growcer
If you do a search on Rooftop Farms in Malaysia, you’ll find less than 20. Why has this concept not been more widely adopted, and what does it take to run one? Emil Jihan from Fresh Growcer shares his thoughts on his pesticide-free self-harvesting aquaponics farm, located on top of 1 Utama.
Image Credit: Freshgrowcer Instagram page
Presenter: Freda Liu
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Harvest Your Own
Guest: Emil Jihad, Co-creator, Fresh Growcer
If you do a search on Rooftop Farms in Malaysia, you’ll find less than 20. Why has this concept not been more widely adopted, and what does it take to run one? Emil Jihan from Fresh Growcer shares his thoughts on his pesticide-free self-harvesting aquaponics farm, located on top of 1 Utama.
Image Credit: Freshgrowcer Instagram page
Presenter: Freda Liu
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