BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
43 mins
17 mins
10 mins
Guest: Denise Wong, Equity Analyst, Bloomberg Intelligence
From October 11 onwards, Japan will finally open its borders to individual tourists, and resume visa free entry for short term travellers, thus marking the end of their cap on daily arrivals. Will this mean Japan’s tourism sector seeing a light at the end of the tunnel? We speak to Denise Wong, Equity Analyst for Bloomberg Intelligence for some outlook on Japan’s prospects.
Presenter: Shazana Mokhtar, Wong Shou Ning
Producer: Moh Heng Ying
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Japan Says Konnichiwa
Guest: Denise Wong, Equity Analyst, Bloomberg Intelligence
From October 11 onwards, Japan will finally open its borders to individual tourists, and resume visa free entry for short term travellers, thus marking the end of their cap on daily arrivals. Will this mean Japan’s tourism sector seeing a light at the end of the tunnel? We speak to Denise Wong, Equity Analyst for Bloomberg Intelligence for some outlook on Japan’s prospects.
Presenter: Shazana Mokhtar, Wong Shou Ning
Producer: Moh Heng Ying
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