BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
36 mins
44 mins
On Live & Learn today, Chwi Lee Lynn and Umapagan Ampikaipakan pay tribute to the life of the archetypal Renaissance man and master of all trades, Leonardo Da Vinci, on what would be his 561st birthday. Touching on his genius as an inventor, a scientist, and artist and a thinker, it becomes clear why modern day experts now refer to him as "the first modern mind in history", having designed inventions such as flying machines 400 years before they were first manufactured.
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The Life of Leonardo Da Vinci
On Live & Learn today, Chwi Lee Lynn and Umapagan Ampikaipakan pay tribute to the life of the archetypal Renaissance man and master of all trades, Leonardo Da Vinci, on what would be his 561st birthday. Touching on his genius as an inventor, a scientist, and artist and a thinker, it becomes clear why modern day experts now refer to him as "the first modern mind in history", having designed inventions such as flying machines 400 years before they were first manufactured.
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