BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
Today's guest, Brue 'Pic' Picot, proves that the simplest idea can yield the best results. The focus he placed on product over profit eventually got his brand, Pic's, recognition as one of the best natural peanut butters in the world. We talk peanuts, passion and promotions as Pic shares both the smooth and crunchy side of business.
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Going Global - Pic’s (New Zealand)
Today's guest, Brue 'Pic' Picot, proves that the simplest idea can yield the best results. The focus he placed on product over profit eventually got his brand, Pic's, recognition as one of the best natural peanut butters in the world. We talk peanuts, passion and promotions as Pic shares both the smooth and crunchy side of business.
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