BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
47 mins
1 hr 27 mins
44 mins
How do we treat people who are different to us? What does it mean to have special abilities - to be a mutant? The very first film in the (frankly uneven) X-Men movie franchise explores these questions and does so in style. Marking the Hollywood debut of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, it's also the first time that these beloved comic book characters were seen on the silver screen. We discuss the impact this movie had, and as always with our throwbacks, whether it holds up.
Presenter: Arvindh Yuvaraj, Lee Chwi Lynn, Sharmilla Ganesan
Producer: Arvindh Yuvaraj, Lee Chwi Lynn, Sharmilla Ganesan
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Popcorn Culture - Throwback Tuesday: X-Men
How do we treat people who are different to us? What does it mean to have special abilities - to be a mutant? The very first film in the (frankly uneven) X-Men movie franchise explores these questions and does so in style. Marking the Hollywood debut of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, it's also the first time that these beloved comic book characters were seen on the silver screen. We discuss the impact this movie had, and as always with our throwbacks, whether it holds up.
Presenter: Arvindh Yuvaraj, Lee Chwi Lynn, Sharmilla Ganesan
Producer: Arvindh Yuvaraj, Lee Chwi Lynn, Sharmilla Ganesan
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