

Positivity In Peril

45 mins
21:00, 14 Jun 2024

Guest: Kam Raslan, Dhanya Nair, Vernon Adrian Emuang

It’s a laughter-filled episode of A Bit of Culture as Kam and regular guests Dhanya Nair and Vernon Adrian Emuang discuss different facets of modern culture, peeling through the topics layer-by-layer. Our culture vulture gets the ball rolling by looking at Barbie’s latest line up consisting of notable real-life figures, made into figurines, and wonders whether they can actually change or shape children’s minds as they grow older. Afterwards, Vernon talks about the possibility of positivity being suppressed by the powers-that-be in order to control society. In the second part of the show, Dhanya speaks about the struggles of not being able to speak her mother tongue. Another episode you don’t want to miss!

Presenter: Kam Raslan

Producer: Haniff Baharudin


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Positivity In Peril

45 mins
21:00, 14 Jun 2024
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Guest: Kam Raslan, Dhanya Nair, Vernon Adrian Emuang

It’s a laughter-filled episode of A Bit of Culture as Kam and regular guests Dhanya Nair and Vernon Adrian Emuang discuss different facets of modern culture, peeling through the topics layer-by-layer. Our culture vulture gets the ball rolling by looking at Barbie’s latest line up consisting of notable real-life figures, made into figurines, and wonders whether they can actually change or shape children’s minds as they grow older. Afterwards, Vernon talks about the possibility of positivity being suppressed by the powers-that-be in order to control society. In the second part of the show, Dhanya speaks about the struggles of not being able to speak her mother tongue. Another episode you don’t want to miss!

Presenter: Kam Raslan

Producer: Haniff Baharudin


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