BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
47 mins
44 mins
36 mins
Expiry dates. Leverage risks. Liquidity risks. Warrants are a complex and divisive financial product.
In this episode, Roshan hopes to break down this derivative product with Isabelle and ask the big question: are warrants a sustainable financial product or simply a gambling tool?
Presenter: Roshan Kanesan
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Warrants 101 - Are They For You?
Expiry dates. Leverage risks. Liquidity risks. Warrants are a complex and divisive financial product.
In this episode, Roshan hopes to break down this derivative product with Isabelle and ask the big question: are warrants a sustainable financial product or simply a gambling tool?
Presenter: Roshan Kanesan
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