BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
24 mins
1 hr 16 mins
42 mins
This week on 50 Books in 50 Weeks, Umapagan Ampikaipakan takes a trip into a small, unexceptional Welsh coastal town. He meets the colourful residents at a point before dawn, the night "flying like black flour," as he drifts in the dark over the fields and streets. Blind Captain Cat is dreaming of long-ago sea voyages and long-dead lovers; twice-widowed Mrs Ogmore-Pritchard of her henpecked husbands; Organ Morgan of musical extravaganzas; Polly Garter of babies; Mary Ann Sailors of the Garden of Eden; Dai Bread of "Turkish girls. Horizontal." So close your eyes. Listen. Repeat these words softly, slowly, in your head. Embrace the alliteration, the gentle lilt of the prose. And take a walk with him through the bedrooms of the sleeping residents and into their dreams
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This week on 50 Books in 50 Weeks, Umapagan Ampikaipakan takes a trip into a small, unexceptional Welsh coastal town. He meets the colourful residents at a point before dawn, the night "flying like black flour," as he drifts in the dark over the fields and streets. Blind Captain Cat is dreaming of long-ago sea voyages and long-dead lovers; twice-widowed Mrs Ogmore-Pritchard of her henpecked husbands; Organ Morgan of musical extravaganzas; Polly Garter of babies; Mary Ann Sailors of the Garden of Eden; Dai Bread of "Turkish girls. Horizontal." So close your eyes. Listen. Repeat these words softly, slowly, in your head. Embrace the alliteration, the gentle lilt of the prose. And take a walk with him through the bedrooms of the sleeping residents and into their dreams
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