BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results.

Popcorn Culture - Review: Pendatang

Popcorn Culture - Review: Pendatang

Why We Need More Women Working Behind the Scenes on Film Sets

Why We Need More Women Working Behind the Scenes on Film Sets

Nadiah Hamzah, Malaysian Filmmaker

A Malaysian Film Report Card (Skip Intro #119)

A Malaysian Film Report Card (Skip Intro #119)

Dato' Kamil Othman, Former Deputy General, FINAS

S1E08 - To Go Online?

S1E08 - To Go Online?

Thomas Barker

S1E07 - Future of Festivals

S1E07 - Future of Festivals

Thomas Barker

S1E06 - Animation

S1E06 - Animation

Thomas Barker

Film Festival Celebrating Diversity

Film Festival Celebrating Diversity

Maryam Lee, Projek Dialog | Victoria Cheng, Projek Dialog

Showdown: The Movie (At the Movies #25)

Showdown: The Movie (At the Movies #25)

Khai Bahar | Iedil Putra

Talkback Thursday: Do we have hope for the Malaysian film industry?

Talkback Thursday: Do we have hope for the Malaysian film industry?

FINAS' New Direction?

FINAS' New Direction?

Datuk Kamil Othman, Director General, FINAS


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