BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 17 of 37 results.

Do You Have Rizz Or Are You Poyo?

Do You Have Rizz Or Are You Poyo?

Associate Professor Dr Adelina Asmawi, Department of Language and Literacy Education, Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya

The ABC's of Biodiversity: Sunda Clouded Leopard

The ABC's of Biodiversity: Sunda Clouded Leopard

Chrishen Gomez, Biologist, Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU), University of Oxford

A Pathway to Becoming Biodiversity-Friendly Malaysia

A Pathway to Becoming Biodiversity-Friendly Malaysia

Chrishen Gomez, Biologist, Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU), University of Oxford

Feeling The Pinch From Food Prices?

Feeling The Pinch From Food Prices?

Priyanka Kishore, Head of India and Southeast Asia Economics, Oxford Economics

Ordinary Russians Bear the Brunt of Sanctions

Ordinary Russians Bear the Brunt of Sanctions

Tatiana Orlova, Lead Emerging Market Economist, Oxford Economics

Eurozone Delta Fears At Bay For Now

Eurozone Delta Fears At Bay For Now

Daniela Ordonez, Lead Eurozone Economist, Oxford Economics

Doctor in the House: The Ongoing Battle To Build Trust in COVID-19 Vaccines

Doctor in the House: The Ongoing Battle To Build Trust in COVID-19 Vaccines

Dr George Lee, Consultant Urologist | Dr Mark Cheong, Pharmacist & Public Health Researcher | Prof Dr Tan Maw Pin, Consultant Geriatrician

What's The Word Of The Year?

What's The Word Of The Year?

Dr. Surinderpal Kaur, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya

Rhodes Scholar Subashan Vadibeler - What it Takes to Achieve Academic Excellence

Rhodes Scholar Subashan Vadibeler - What it Takes to Achieve Academic Excellence

Subashan Vadibeler, Malaysian Rhodes Scholar

Conserving Our Natural History - The Modern-Day Battleground?

Conserving Our Natural History - The Modern-Day Battleground?

Chrishen Gomez, Wildlife/Conservation Biologist

Trust: The Uber Currency of 2020 & Beyond

Trust: The Uber Currency of 2020 & Beyond

Catherine Lian, Managing Director of IBM Malaysia

Human Extinction? That's OK

Human Extinction? That's OK

A Google a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

A Google a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Who Would You Cast in a Billion Dollar Whale Movie?

Who Would You Cast in a Billion Dollar Whale Movie?

The Morning Run Crew

This is the Best, But Most Dangerous Century

This is the Best, But Most Dangerous Century

Professor Ian Goldin, Founding Director, Oxford Martin School, Oxford University

Get ‘Em Young Part 2: The WildCRU Game: Global Carnivore Conservation

Get ‘Em Young Part 2: The WildCRU Game: Global Carnivore Conservation

Dr. Cedric Tan, Lecturer and Researcher , Wadham College and St Catherine's College, University of Oxford


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