BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 results.

High Art, Low Brow

High Art, Low Brow

Kam Raslan | Marion D’Cruz | Michael Gong

Japan Throws A Yield Curve Surprise

Japan Throws A Yield Curve Surprise

Song Seng Wun, Economist, CIMB Private Banking

Contextualising the Metaverse Starr

Contextualising the Metaverse Starr

Kam Raslan | Matt Armitage | Vernon Adrian Emuang

It Takes Time

It Takes Time

Manoush Zomorodi

 Loving Your Work For A Productive Year

Loving Your Work For A Productive Year

Sheila Singam, Human Equation

The Daily Digest: Short and Snappy - But What about Substance?

The Daily Digest: Short and Snappy - But What about Substance?

Haniff Baharuddin, Presenter/Producer, Bila Larut Malam & I Love KL

When Was The Last Time You Sent Or Received A Handwritten Note?

When Was The Last Time You Sent Or Received A Handwritten Note?

Richard Bradbury | Jeff Sandhu | Christine Wong

Talkback Thursday: Parental Appreciation

Talkback Thursday: Parental Appreciation

Ringgit Seen at RM4.00-RM4.20 vs USD by Yr-End: Amundi

Ringgit Seen at RM4.00-RM4.20 vs USD by Yr-End: Amundi

Tutiana Jusat, Chief Investment Officer for Fixed Income, Amundi Islamic Malaysia

Why Do We Want To Know Everything?

Why Do We Want To Know Everything?

Kam Raslan | Prof Azmi Sharom | Lee Chwi Lynn

Teacher’s Day Special - To Sir, With Love

Teacher’s Day Special - To Sir, With Love

Music Appreciation 101

Music Appreciation 101

YBhg Dato' Dr. Ng Kah-Ming, Conductor and Harpsichordist


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