BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
37 mins
34 mins
27 mins
Kam starts off the show with a surprising question: Should he get a Masters degree? Which Uma and Ann respond to encouragingly by reminiscing on their own up-hill journeys in the pursuit of education. Uma goes on to share his thoughts on the phenomenon of myth-making surrounding heroes both real and fictitious. Finally, ABOC-first-timer Ann Lee schools the other two about gelotophobia (the fear of being laughed at) and it’s connection to our everyday experiences.
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The Myths Behind Being Laughed At
Kam starts off the show with a surprising question: Should he get a Masters degree? Which Uma and Ann respond to encouragingly by reminiscing on their own up-hill journeys in the pursuit of education. Uma goes on to share his thoughts on the phenomenon of myth-making surrounding heroes both real and fictitious. Finally, ABOC-first-timer Ann Lee schools the other two about gelotophobia (the fear of being laughed at) and it’s connection to our everyday experiences.
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