BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
49 mins
24 mins
30 mins
In another edition of A Bit of Culture, Kam Raslan discusses three topics within the local cultural context with BFM Video's Rahmah Pauzi and folk troubadour Azmyl Yunor.
As we prepare for the impending release of Azmyl's new record, we hear about his recent visit to Putrajaya post-MCO; unearthing a revived feeling of wonder despite the administrative capital's rather sterile surroundings. The view at night makes for great photos. Speaking of photos, Kam harkens back to the days of photography studios. Back when family photos were considered a big day out. The evolution of HD smartphone cameras may have rendered these services redundant, so our trio reminisce about their last times posing in a studio. Rahmah closes this edition with her thoughts on the tenets of journalism, certain beliefs that ties the practice together as a profession. She laments the state of affairs with the rise of citizen journalism, and foresees more competition in trying to be at the forefront of a news cycle.
Producer: Ali Johan
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In another edition of A Bit of Culture, Kam Raslan discusses three topics within the local cultural context with BFM Video's Rahmah Pauzi and folk troubadour Azmyl Yunor.
As we prepare for the impending release of Azmyl's new record, we hear about his recent visit to Putrajaya post-MCO; unearthing a revived feeling of wonder despite the administrative capital's rather sterile surroundings. The view at night makes for great photos. Speaking of photos, Kam harkens back to the days of photography studios. Back when family photos were considered a big day out. The evolution of HD smartphone cameras may have rendered these services redundant, so our trio reminisce about their last times posing in a studio. Rahmah closes this edition with her thoughts on the tenets of journalism, certain beliefs that ties the practice together as a profession. She laments the state of affairs with the rise of citizen journalism, and foresees more competition in trying to be at the forefront of a news cycle.
Producer: Ali Johan
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