BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
43 mins
30 mins
34 mins
Guest: Praful Morar, Global Expansion Officer, Nuvei
Nuvei is a payments solutions and platform provider that helps customers accelerate their business with modular, flexible and scalable technology to help integrate next-gen payments services into their offerings. Gaming and its popularity skyrocketed during the pandemic, but how important are things like a well designed UI and UX when it comes to monetisation of games?
Image Credit: Nuvei Facebook Page
Presenter: Richard Bradbury
Producer: Richard Bradbury
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Revenue Within The Gaming Space
Guest: Praful Morar, Global Expansion Officer, Nuvei
Nuvei is a payments solutions and platform provider that helps customers accelerate their business with modular, flexible and scalable technology to help integrate next-gen payments services into their offerings. Gaming and its popularity skyrocketed during the pandemic, but how important are things like a well designed UI and UX when it comes to monetisation of games?
Image Credit: Nuvei Facebook Page
Presenter: Richard Bradbury
Producer: Richard Bradbury
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