BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
34 mins
42 mins
43 mins
On February 11, the Federal Court decided on the protracted child custody case involving Izwan Abdullah and Deepa Subramaniam. After interviewing both children separately in chambers, Justice Tan Sri Raus Sharif in a unanimous decision awarded Izwan custody of the son, and Deepa custody of the daughter. Explaining how this ruling will affect custodial disputes in child conversion cases going forward is Sharmila Sekaran, a lawyer as well as director of Voice of the Children, a child advocacy group.
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Landmark #10: Child Custody
On February 11, the Federal Court decided on the protracted child custody case involving Izwan Abdullah and Deepa Subramaniam. After interviewing both children separately in chambers, Justice Tan Sri Raus Sharif in a unanimous decision awarded Izwan custody of the son, and Deepa custody of the daughter. Explaining how this ruling will affect custodial disputes in child conversion cases going forward is Sharmila Sekaran, a lawyer as well as director of Voice of the Children, a child advocacy group.
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