BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
39 mins
40 mins
43 mins
In 1949, George Orwell presented us with a vision of a world of surveillance and its consequences. He gave us the expression, ‘Big Brother is watching you.’ And then, of course, popular culture turned it on its head and created a show called Big Brother, so we can now say, ‘I am watching Big Brother.’ From Orwell’s novel, we learn ‘Newspeak’ and from his name an adjective of a world gone oh-so-wrong.
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Describing Dystopia '84 to 1949
In 1949, George Orwell presented us with a vision of a world of surveillance and its consequences. He gave us the expression, ‘Big Brother is watching you.’ And then, of course, popular culture turned it on its head and created a show called Big Brother, so we can now say, ‘I am watching Big Brother.’ From Orwell’s novel, we learn ‘Newspeak’ and from his name an adjective of a world gone oh-so-wrong.
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