

How 2022 Impacted Markets And What Lies Beyond

24 mins
09:30, 2 Feb 2023

Guest: Stephanie Leung, Chief Investment Officer, StashAway

2022 was an extremely difficult year for markets and no asset class really performed exceptionally well with exception for the US dollar. The 6.5 trillion dollars ETF industry saw their fund sizes shrink, no thanks to the sharp drawdowns by investors. So how did a robo advisor like StashAway, which primarily focuses on ETFs performed? And what are the expectations for 2023?

Sim Wie Boon speaks to Stephanie Leung of StashAway for some answers.

Presenter: Sim Wie Boon

Producer: Sim Wie Boon


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How 2022 Impacted Markets And What Lies Beyond

24 mins
09:30, 2 Feb 2023
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Guest: Stephanie Leung, Chief Investment Officer, StashAway

2022 was an extremely difficult year for markets and no asset class really performed exceptionally well with exception for the US dollar. The 6.5 trillion dollars ETF industry saw their fund sizes shrink, no thanks to the sharp drawdowns by investors. So how did a robo advisor like StashAway, which primarily focuses on ETFs performed? And what are the expectations for 2023?

Sim Wie Boon speaks to Stephanie Leung of StashAway for some answers.

Presenter: Sim Wie Boon

Producer: Sim Wie Boon


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