BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results.

Real Life Paw Patrol Needed

Real Life Paw Patrol Needed

Rajesh Nagarajan, Animal Rights Lawyer

The Wildlife Conservation (Amendment) Bill 2021

The Wildlife Conservation (Amendment) Bill 2021

Mariani Ramli, President, Hak Asasi Hidupan Liar Malaysia (HIDUP) | Rajesh Nagarajan, Animal Rights Lawyer

The Ethics of Cute Animal Influencers

The Ethics of Cute Animal Influencers

Shawn Tanis, BFM News Desk | Jamie Thrush, Nai Conservation Ambassador

Camel Pouts

Camel Pouts

Dr James M Dorsey, Senior Fellow focused on the Middle East and North Africa, RSIS

SPCA - Animal Cruelty

SPCA - Animal Cruelty

Lorna Fisher, Chief Operations Manager, SPCA Selangor

SPCA's Eco Shelter

SPCA's Eco Shelter

Christine Chin, President, SPCA Selangor

Talkback Tuesday: Cold, cruel Malaysians

Talkback Tuesday: Cold, cruel Malaysians


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